Thursday, August 14, 2014

Movie Essay Extra Credit for Fall 2014

Hello students!

Below is your extra credit assignment for the term. It's similar to last term's extra credit, except you'll be answering a question instead of writing a review.

You may also write a movie review from last term's list, however this time you'll only have to write 1 page (for a maximum of +0.5%). (See the post underneath this one)

Also, here's a podcast some of you may enjoy about improving your brain power through electricity:

It's not required listening (lots of the language is very difficult and there are curse words in it). However, if you do listen to it, I'd love to hear your thoughts about it once school starts again.

See you soon!


Aaron Singer, English Communication Class
August 14th, 2014

Extra Credit
This term, students will have an opportunity to earn extra points for their final grade. You may watch a film from the attached list (subtitles are OK) and write a 2 page essay answering the corresponding question (Times New Roman font, 12 point, double space, MLA format). Papers must be labeled with the student’s name, class and student’s number.

Grades will be given out on Pass+/Pass/Fail basis (+1%, +0.7%, 0%); each student may repeat this assignment up to 3 times for a maximum total of +3%. All papers are due by December 1st, but will be accepted throughout the term.

You may watch anyone of the following films and answer the subsequent question:

How are our lives like Groundhog Day?  Is life a series of repeated events?  Do we have any true freedom?  Does one escape or triumph over such an existence? Use details and examples from the film to support your opinion.

What does the film say about the difference between short-term attraction and a long-term relationship? How much do memories and experiences form your identity? Use details and examples from the film to support your opinion.

Is intent without action still a crime? Are people in control of their own actions or are their destinies predetermined? Does knowing the outcome of something change your actions? Should 3 people suffer for the prosperity of society? Why or why not? Use details and examples from the film to support your opinion.

How have the family members changed by the end of the film? Who has transformed the most? In what ways has Olive (the daughter) been the one who has brought peace to the family?

Compare Jaws/Alien to a horror movie that has been released in the past few years. How is Jaws or Alien different than horror films being made now? Why is there a difference? Which style of horror film do you enjoy more? What is the future of horror movies?

Write 2 pages about this film (anything you want).

Why is Steven Spielberg considered the greatest living director right now? Do you think he deserves this praise? If not, who does? What does Spielberg do differently from other directors? Use details and examples from the film to support your opinion.

Pieces of April was a big success with critics when it was released, despite having almost no budget, a terrible camera and a dirt-cheap look to it. What does this fact say about good screen writing/acting VERSUS good production value (camera/special effects/style)? What’s more important to you? Did this film change your opinion? Why or why not?

Monday, June 16, 2014

Movie Review Extra Credit for Fall 2014

Hello everyone, 

As promised here are the movies you can write reviews on. The guidelines are on the last post. Good luck!: 

Extra Credit
This term, students will have an opportunity to earn extra points for their final grade. Students may watch a film from the attached list (subtitles are OK) and write a 1 page review (Times New Roman font, 12 point, double spaced). Papers must be labeled with the student’s name, class and student’s number.

Grades will be given out on Pass+/Pass/Fail basis (+0.5%, +0.3%, 0%); each student may repeat this assignment up to 3 times for a maximum total of +3%. There will be no retakes or re-dos. All papers are due by December 1st, but will be accepted throughout the term.

 The following are questions you may use as a guide:

Ø What are the themes of the film? Symbols/metaphors?
Ø What techniques does the director use to tell his/her story? (editing, cinematography, etc.)
Ø Does he/she do an effective job of telling a story? Why/why not?
Ø What was a pivotal moment of the film?
Ø If you were the director, what would you change about this movie?
Ø Would you recommend this film to your friends? Why/why not?


Political Films





*The Godfather, part I and part II (1972) (1974)*


Little Miss Sunshine (2000)
Almost Famous (2006)
Lost in Translation (2003)

*Excessive violence/gore

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Hello everyone, 

Here are reposts to the link that didn't work for some of you last week. They are all the same file, so you'll only need to download one of them; I posted many different links in case some didn't work for you. Here you go:

If you use these links, click the October 17, 2011 episode:



Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Historical Research Project

             Working in groups of 4-5, prepare a 15-minute Powerpoint presentation. Think of yourselves as teachers in this assignment as you will be educating the class on an independently researched historical topic.
             You will be expected to meet with your group members outside of class to discuss the roles of each student and go over your final presentation together. The first class of each week will feature a new group presentation; the groups and schedule for presentations will be made within the first few weeks of the class.
Students will also be required to put together a comprehensive bibliography with at least 4 sources (written in MLA style); please use for your bibliography. Your grade will break down as follows:

Content (60%)
Brief Historical Background and Key People                    (1-8 points)
            What were the causes that lead to this event happening? What did the world look like before this event? Who were the most important players of this event and what were their roles?
Summary of Important Events                                              (1-8 points)
            Choose the most important events to occur during this time period and abridge them accordingly.
Outcome and Significance of Event                                   (1-8 points)
            Why was this an important event? How did it change the world?
At least 4 valid sources/Bibliography                                 (1-2 points)
            Complete a bibliography for your presentation
Slideshow/Material Presented in a Logical Manner        (1-4 points)
            Does the team use Powerpoint effectively (good balance of pictures/text, not reading off slides)? Does the organization and order of the presentation make sense?

Presentation (40%) (Individual Grade)
Teamwork/Group Awareness/Practice                            (1-6 points)
            Is it clear that everyone in the group knows each other’s role and is not hearing material for the first time? Has work been spread evenly between all of the teammates?
Volume                                                                                 (1-6 points)
            Can I hear and understand you? Are you projecting your voice? Are you passionate about your material?
Accent                                                                                 (1-6 points)
            How well are you enunciating?
Animation                                                                           (1-2 points)
            How well are you moving?

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Homework Due: 1st Class of the Week, March 31st - April 4th

Please listen to the following podcast clip about how to negotiate (협상) for next week’s homework. This should be easier than last week’s clip (but it should still be challenging for some of you).

Also, while I will not require you to take notes, I MIGHT GIVE YOU AN OPEN BOOK TEST ON THIS NEXT WEEK. So please be aware while listening to this. Thanks!

Link: Negotiation Academy


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Homework due the Week of March 17-21st

Please click the Youtube link below and take one full page of notes. Also, on your next test, please write the words “chocolate cupcake” just so I know who has read this. Here’s the link:

Also, I am aware the speaker talks VERY quickly. Do your best to listen and take as many notes as you can. Thanks!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Aaron Singer
March-July, 2014

English Communication Class Guide and Grading Criteria

Your grade for the term will break down as follows:

            Historical Research Project                30%
            Narrative Film Project                        25%
            Quizzes/Tests                                       20%
            Participation                                       15%
            Homework                                           10%
            Extra Credit                                           5%

In cases of academic dishonesty or disrespect (cheating, plagiarizing, excessive lateness, etc), the teacher reserves the right to adjust grades appropriately without warning.

Students will periodically be given short quizzes, with or without prior notice. These tests will cover class material or vocabulary words. Quizzes and tests will not be open book unless stated.

Students can expect to be given homework on a nightly basis. Grades are given on a pass/fail basis. On occasion, a number grade may be assigned to a specific assignment.

Occasionally, I will ask you to go to a blog website for homework assignments. The site will have links to video, audio files or other items. The URL is:

ALL students are expected to participate and answer questions when called on. English is the only language to be used in class.